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Community Outreach

Jordan High School Greenout


On January 26, 2023, the Nickel Open Fund (NOF) took part in an outreach event being held during the Boy's and Girl's Jordan High School basketball games. The event was spearheaded by Karen Firle and Jordan HS guidance counselor, Chelsey Meyer to raise mental health awareness for both students and parents. Players for both teams were given green socks to wear as they played and green Spirit Towels with the logo to the left were given out to spectators. Towels were donated by the Jordan Booster Club. During halftime of each game, an informational talk was given to guests by NOF Outreach Spokesperson, Amanda Smeins, on the statistics, facts and resources regarding mental health. In the Commons Area of the High School throughout both games, were several tables set-up with informational vendors available for Q&A, handing out information, etc. from the Duck Cup Memorial, Melrose Center, Prairie Care, Scott County Mental Health Services, Nickel Open Fund among others. Sponsors for this dynamic event were the Jordan Booster Club, Jordan Public Schools, Jordan Education Foundation and the Nickel Open Fund.


The Nickel Open Outreach Committee's commitment to this event was simple. Provide education to students and parents in a fun and engaging setting. To do this, the NOF had a table set-up with abundant take-away materials from NAMI-MN, wristbands and pens with the new #988 number on them and a fun photo booth with props set-up for people to use as a photo op!


Overall, the evening was successful for both the organizers of the event, students and spectators and the NOF.


Remember - It's Ok to NOT be OK!

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